Onsdag 12 Juli - Some deep(shit?)talk (in eng)
Well, as I said before in my last speech, lets keep the deep talk for later.. Well for me now its a bit late, cause I have to wake up at 7 tomorrow moring.. Anyway..
Im still home alone, Phatt is still in Mallorca and I think that Mirian still is at her parents place and Alvaro is still in Cunit. I have to admit that I sometimes enjoy to spend time on my own, well not too long though!! But just let myself to breath out, think and just be on my own. In sweden actually in the weeks, I spend a lot of time on my own and just meet friends on the weekends.. Maybe sounds wierd to you, but thats me.
Yesterday I was speaking about life.. If I translate what I wrote it was like: " What is most important in life? To be happy in the situation you are in and to take the day as it comes, or to think of a career, so you become someone that is economically independent in the future or to follow the love where it leads you, no matter how it ends up?
Faith, hope and love...? What is that exactly?
Sometimes, I feel like a split person .. I asked an older workmate today and she answered my question with: "You should do exactly what you feel at the very moment you want. If you think you have problems now lady, you really dont want to get older. The older you become, the more problems you will have ... "
Mamma & Pappa. My love, my everything.
These days I've been asking myself about my mother...
Why she moved from Thailand to Sweden in 1984..? For the love of my father or to get a better life in Sweden or both? And especially how she took the courage to move to the other side of the planet and "leave" the life she had there, her two baby girls, her family and friends, and put it in someone else's hands and hope and believe that there is a better future and that, above all, that love will last forever...
When I think of it, I admire my mother for taking that huge step in her life. To leave a safe place behind her and have the hope of finding an even safer and better place.
Why do we have all this "needs" in life ?!? "you have to study to get a good education...you have to make a career and earn a lot of money.... you need to find the perfect man and husband and you need to build your own house and have precious little kids..." Is THAT really a lucky life to live? Maybe I could be the poorest person in the world, but poor doesnt mean unhappy right..?
Everybody knows that Im not a big fan of Sweden, not the swedish people though, mostly the depressing climate and to be depressed over nothing 6 months of the year. I love the sun and I was born to love the sun.
So.. I keep asking myself these small questions... Should I pack my bags forever and take the biggest step in my life? "Leave" a safe life in sweden, my family and my friends to get a life here and put myself in someone's hand, hope and believe that there is a better future and above all, that a love will last forever..? I mean, why not??
My mother did that and it ended up pretty good, I think..
(dont read this to seriously.. its just thoughts that runnin through my head sometimes...)
From Barcelona with love and thoughs // Thai
Visst hade det varit nice med ett "facit" i livet.
Din kollega hade helt rätt, problemen & funderingarna bara växer med tiden..
Jag funderar fortfarande på vad jag ska bli när jag blir stor & mina föräldrar funderar på när jag ska bli stor ?
Men dom senaste åren har jag försökt ha kul ! Å det har funkat bra för mig, fast just nu är jag i en fas då jag vill ändra på lite grejer i mitt liv, men ångrar inte att jag ägnat mig åt att ha ett kul liv.
Mitt råd till dig är att gör det som känns bäst JUST NU ! Om det känns som fel beslut om ett år eller om fem så kan du ju alltid ändra dig & göra något annat. Bättre så än att göra det som förväntas vara det "rätta" & sen spenderar resten av livet med att undra hur det varit att göra det du ville göra..
Tänk inte för mkt på framtiden utan lev NU, man vet aldrig vad som händer. Man kanske blir påkörd av en buss i morron & dör, eller får svininfluensa , you name it.
Ha kul !
(å ha kul innebär att du kommer hit å dricker wiskey cola när du är i sverige)
Tina min Tina. Jag känner igen mig i dina tankar, dock bor jag inte lika långt bort som du.. men fortfarande så pass långt bort så att tankarna skall grubblas om och om igen.
Du verkar stortrivas och jag är dunderglad att du har en blogg så jag få veta hur du har det i livet.
Det som känns i hjärtat är det som är rätt. Sverige kommer alltid att finnas kvar, såsom vänner, familj ooch allt annat här.
Så följ ditt hjärta.
a little comment about this...well what youre mother did was a good and right choice (exactly the same story as my mother) because Sweden is a good place to live if you have a family, education , hospital and everything u can imagine...compare to asian countries it cost money to get all that when you get it "free " in sweden..so thats THE big different..but about what you were thinking of "giving up" like your mom did to move here in bcn..well bcn and sweden its a european countries its not asia..
U can move here having a new life with ur bf while you are still young, but in my opinion i think Sweden is MUCh better and pretty good country in the future if you are going to build a family, the spanish government are far from the swedish one..
So in short what youre mother did moving from asia to sweden its so big different, better country when it comes to free school for kids, hospital everything you need which cost a fortune to have it in asia. And in asia you got to pay for everything if you want it there no such thing as " free"· school for eg...so what she did was for your best ;O)..
Hade bra tina!!kram