Saturday 12 June - BBQ & pool-party!
God mornin!
I'm writing in english cause Im at Alvaros place and his laptop doesn't have a's and o's with dots above.
After Solo yesterday I went to Catwalk alone, but when I came Qium was there so I was hanging with him all night when Alvaro was playing. It was a good night, very crowded and great music. (of course..! haha) I did got lots of questions abot my hair yesterday and it was fun, haha! Miss mini-punk.
Just woke up 20 min's ago and we're going to Basi's place today and having a BBQ in his backgarden with fake grass and a poool ! Im gonna enjoy good food and a mojito in the pool. Life is good..!

Last year 2009 when we had the BBQ at Basi's place.
Everybody ended up very drunk that day.
Bruno, me, Alvaro, Basi, Guti & Mario.

All the guys were naked in the pool... not me though. Haha!
Its a naked Mario flying in the sky!
Enjoy life!
From Barcelona with love / Thai